Executive Coaching

How coaching can help
Because it’s so personalised, coaching can help with pretty much anything. For example, we’ve helped leaders in a range of organisations to:
- Thrive in a world that’s increasingly complex, ambiguous and unpredictable
- Evolve their approach for new or more senior roles
- Upgrade their approach to stakeholder management
- Create a vision and strategy
Build confidence and personal impact - Hone their emotional intelligence, creativity or critical thinking skills
- Inspire and develop the people they lead

The space we create
A space founded on mutual trust and respect, where the coachee can be uniquely open and honest without feeling judged. Each of our coaches has a different style rooted in a common ethos. So coachees choose their coach and check they’ve got the right chemistry before we begin.
All of our coaches are highly-experienced and have worked across numerous cultures and sectors. Many are also psychologists. They all bring insight and empathy; support and challenge, and they all attend to the coachee as a whole person, while maintaining clear boundaries and a primary focus on work.
Every coaching engagement is different, tailored to you and your needs. So, we invite you to get in touch if you’d like to know more.
The difference it makes
Research with executives from 56 organisations showed an average 570% return on investment*.
The nature of that return will depend on the coaching objectives, but our coachees tell us they feel “enlightened and inspired”, have rediscovered their “mojo” and had seminal years in their careers.
They’re more creative, strategic and inspiring; better at delegating, crafting a vision and navigating complex stakeholder landscapes.
And then there’s the impact of coaching on life outside of work: the coachee whose friends could see the difference in how she carried herself; the senior partner whose daughter told him she’d had the best day of her life, because changes he made as a leader became changes in him as a parent.
* McGovern et al (2001) Maximizing the Impact of Executive Coaching: Behavioral Change, Organizational Outcomes, and Return on Investment. The Manchester Review, 6(1).

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